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Example of logotype design in Adobe Illustrator: FOX

At McKinnon's Copy & Design, we design logotypes for various businesses, associations, and organizations daily. Sometimes we're tasked with sprucing up an existing logo, other times we have the freedom to create a brand-new one – and often, we're asked to design logos for brand-new companies. Today, we'll show you an example of a fairly sleek "fox logotype" – a style of logo that our clients often appreciate.

A logotype with the word FOX and an illustrated fox peeking through the letter O.

We chose a bold sans serif typeface (that is, without any "serifs") and we tweaked the kerning a bit (moved the letters closer together in this case). We also created a fox to be used in our logo. The letters FOX have been outlined, allowing us to design them however we want.

Now, we decide that the fox should 'peek through' the O – so we move the fox to the right position.

Once we're happy with the fox's position, we select both the "FOX" object and the fox, then use the Shape Builder tool.

With the Shape Builder tool, we 'click' away the parts of the fox that need to disappear to create our desired effect.

When we're satisfied, we end up with this result:

This type of logotype style has many of our clients hooked! What about your design needs? We can create logos, brand guidelines, originals for brochures, posters, and more. Get in touch if you need a hand!

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